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System reform - Mary Landers

Posted by: Selma Bartholomew
Posted on: May 02, 2002 at 1:59 PM
All superintendents go through educational programs and state boards set policy and guidelines for certification.

Superintendents/districtleaders must work with teachers, principals, assistant principals, students, parents and the commununity--however when the major stake holders do not have a unified voice or system in place to articulate needs we do not get sustained change. In order for the work of Teacher Leaders to be effective we know that we need the support of school administrators. What types of public engagment skills, training and forums do we need to provide to Teacher Leaders (all stakeholders) which will allow them to communicate their message when leadership changes?

School leadership teams and school board meetings have helped to fill such a void yet they are not enough. Are we making effective use of the media?

In NYC Chancellor Levy held public forums which allowed parents, teachers and the community to come together and ask questions. Not everyone agreed however it was an important starting point.

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