This conference took place (via the Internet) from May 1st to May 9th 2002. We have preserved an archive of all papers, panels and posters and their associated discussions so that you may continue to access the site after the conference. While you will be able to read all the discussions, now that the conference is over, you will no longer be able to post. You can still send us feedback (through the info center) and tell us about your experience with this conference archive.
The site has sound and visual enhancements that you will only see if you have Flash Player installed on your computer. It is free of charge. To download it click HERE.
The conference has several "rooms" that you will want to visit. They include:
Keynote Address This address was given by Professor Michael Fullan of the University of Toronto. There is a six minute audio introduction as well as an archive of a rich discussion with participants of the conference.
Poster Hall Twenty different Local Systemic Change Projects (each funded by NSF) have reflected on their vision, have shared both promoters and inhibitors to sustainability, and offer suggestions to new systemic reform projects that are just starting out. Each of these projects have been involved in district wide reform of mathematics and/or science educataion. If you have Flash Player installed on your machine you will see an animated introduction to the Poster Hall. Each poster has an associated discussion that took place during the conference. An archive of these discussions are available for you to read.
Panels The conference had five interactive panels which addressed key issues that systemic reform projects face. Each panelist provided a short paper and each has an associated discussion. The paper and discussion are available in this archive. The panels were:
Public Engagement: Addressing the political, cultural and constraining factors influencing math reform.
Panelists: Bill Frascella, Joe Merlino, Carol Fry Bohlin
Making the case for creating a continuous school improvement infrastructure?
Panelists: Mark St. John and Mike Klentschy
Uses and abuses of data in professional development
Panelists: Nancy Love, Mark Jeness, Mike Howard.
Addressing competing reforms through the integration of science and literacy: two case studies.
Panelists: Elaine Woo and Jerry Valadez
From an LSC to "fee for service"
Panelist: Reeny Davison
Discussants Reflect This conference was very fortunate to have Ann Lieberman, Susan Snyder, Judith Warren Little and Michael Fullan as discussants. They have each posted their reflections on the conference in the "Discussant's Reflect" area.
Information Center If you are having trouble of click on the "Get Help" button which you will find in the "INFO CENTER." We are also interested in hearing your feedback. You can send it to us through the Info Center as well.
This conference is part of a three year grant awarded to TERC by the National Science Foundation entitiled "Supporting and Understanding Sustainability in Local Systemic Change (ESI 0088027)." The purpose of this virtual conference is to bring together leaders of the Local Systemic Change (LSC) Initiatives in an interactive dialogue about the key issues involved in sustaining systemic reform.
Joni Falk and Brian Drayton Principal Investigators
Liza Applebee, Shay Pokress Conference Organizers
Jon Obuchowski Technical director
Related Sites:
Please visit two other virtual conferences that addressed sustainability of systemic change.
They can be found at:
Also please visit MSPnet at:
An electronic community created to support NSF’s Math Science Partnership Program.
This site is supported by the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Foundation. |