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Public Engagement: Addressing the political, cultural and constraining factors influencing math reform.

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Posted by: Selma Bartholomew
Posted on: May 02, 2002 at 1:31 PM
Merlino's disscussion on public engagment certainly gives me hope. It reminds us that change is difficult and most importantly not instant.

If you think of any of your role models or leaders (ex.Ghandi, King, Einstein, Curie, Granville ) --he or she may not have had an opportunity to witness the results of their human efforts to change ideas and systems. Yet they have impacted on your belief system and their vision is sustained by the work you do on a daily basis.

From our most recent LSC meeting in LV I valued the opportunity we had to discuss some of the common challenges we face on a daily basis and the advice shared on how to increase support and awareness of on-going efforts to "Transform the teaching profession" (Fullan).

The question of sustainablity is one that certainly impacts on what we do on a daily basis?
Or should I say the fear of lack of sustainablity?

What strategies are you currently using which are experiencing sucess? Working to create an enviroment and relationships that support comunication amongst stakeholders to review goals, challenges and strategies collectively.

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