Posted by:
Lynel Kantor
Posted on: May 03, 2002 at 1:42 PM
This is my second Virtual Conference. Last year, I just took a "virtual walk" around to get a feel for the atmosphere. I think this conference is wonderful. It is a great place to hear and see what other people are doing around the country. It is also a great place to network with people doing similar things or things that can connect to our work. Last year's Keynote, Larry Cuban was great and I am glad that you provided his text again for this year. Michael Fullan's keynote is thought provoking and I enjoyed listening to the recording. We definitely, need more experts in the field of Educational Reform like him.This year, I registered 25 people and we are trying it out together using laptop computers. Many people were interested in doing this as a group because they were not sure what to do, how to log on, where to go etc. Today is our first trial as a group and then the Math Staff Developers will go on individually at home or next week. Many people did not know what it meant to attend a virtual conference. I am not sure if you did this, but I suggest writing up a little paragraph in the invitation that explains what this is for and about . Also, maybe a little note that suggests it is a low pressure environment that is easy to navigate through the different sections. I found that people were immediately nervous or apprehensive when they heard it was a "virtual conference" simply because of technology! We certainly need more educational reform when it comes to thinking about technology and learning. Thanks, Lynel Kantor Netlearn Project Manager NYCBOE District 2 Math Initiative 201 Warren Street New York, NY 10282 212-385-3459