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A Systemic Partnership to Improve the Teaching and Learning of Science for All Children

abstract: This Local Systemic Change project is submitted by a Coalition of fifteen Delaware School Districts, the State Department of Education and the Delaware Foundation for Science and Mathematics Education. Support and expertise is drawn from the State Legislature, the school districts, business, industry, and academia. The project will initiate an inquiry based science program in all elementary and middle schools in the 15 school districts. Approximately 2000 elementary teachers and 200 middle school teachers will receive professional development in order to help them fully implement exemplary curricula such as FOSS, Insights and Science and Technology for Children. This program will: * Provide every elementary teacher with 150 hours of professional development linked to exemplary curricula in order to deepen their understanding of science content, strengthen their capacity to teach science and embed science as a central element in the K-8 curriculum. * Build the capacity to sustain science education in every district by developing a network of teacher leaders in every school in the Coalition and creating a core of district Science Specialists throughout the state to support the Lead Teachers. * Foster partnerships with higher education to align pre-service and in-service teacher education.
staff: Jack Collette (Co-Principal Investigator)
Stephen Schwartz (Co-Principal Investigator)
Kelli Martin (Project Director)
Barbara Duch (Lead Staff)
Julie Hanenfeld (Lead Staff)
Julie Schmidt (Lead Staff)
grant award #: 9618984
funding began:
funding ends:
venue type: Suburban,Rural

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