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Reforming Secondary Science Through Teacher Enhancement

abstract: This five year, $538,705 project will provide professonal development for all 103 teachers of School District 81 of Spokane, WA as is required of all Local Systemic Channge in Science Projects. The project will implement the best available instructional materials and the best teaching practices to actively engage students in learning rigorous subject matter. Each of the workshops will contain three major components: 1, the planning and curricular decisions as the basis for new science programs, 2, the professional development of teachers required to implement the new programs, and 3, the creation of assessment instruments. The project has a cost share of $300,030 or 55.7% of the awarded amount.
staff: Robert Gibbs (Principal Investigator)
Scott Stowell (Principal Investigator)
Cathy Lobdell (Support Staff)
Julie Peck (Support Staff)
Karin Short (Support Staff)
grant award #: 9731552
funding began:
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