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Broadening Access to Mathematics in Maine (BEAMM)

abstract: "Broaden Educational Access to Mathematics in Maine (BEAMM)" is a five-year Local Systemic Change (LSC) project in the area of Teacher Enhancement. It involves seven Maine school districts, the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, the Maine Department of Education, Colby College, and the University of Maine System. The BEAMM project will provide 525 teachers in low performing rural and urban districts with multiple professional development opportunities. This K-8 initiative will support the implementation of exemplary mathematics curricula, provide extensive opportunities for reflective teaching activities, and use an electronic web-based forum for professional development. The project will monitor the effectiveness of web-based professional development.
staff: Francis Eberle (Principal Investigator)
Cheryl Rose (Project Director)
grant award #: 9819468
funding began:
funding ends:
venue type: Rural

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