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SATURN (Science and Technology for Understanding, Research and Networking)

abstract: SATURN (Science And Technology for Understanding, Research and Networking) ESI-9819644 is a local systemic initiative for grades 7 - 12 that builds on two other projects funded by the National Science Foundation. SEEDS (Science Education Enhancing the Development of Skills), ESI-9453920, a local systemic initiative, and GRASSROOTS, ESI-9353464, were five year initiatives to improve the teaching of elementary science. SATURN will also build on the locally funded SAMM (Science and Math on the Move) initiative. SAMM provides training and high-tech equipment which can be borrowed by Stark County teachers for use in their classroom. The goal of the SATURN project is to train teachers to develop and implement a quality, standards-based program, grades 7-12, that will promote science literacy for all and increase student achievement. The objective are to: 1. Develop a clearly articulated and sequenced science curriculum, grades 7-12, based on national science education standards and Ohio proficiency standards. 2. Identify and implement exemplary instructional materials that reflect national science education standards. 3. Create a leadership team in every district to facilitate the localization of the curriculum, development of the scope and sequence, selection of instructional materials, and facilitate the year-long SATURN Study Group. 4. Educate all middle school and high school science teachers in coursework related to national science education standards, pedagogical and content knowledge of specific instructional materials, use of authentic assessments, and application of high performance technology (totaling 130 contact hours). 5. Increase student achievement in science as measured by the current 9th and 12th grade Ohio Proficiency Tests, and the new Ohio High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (grade 10). SATURN involves every school district in Stark County, Ohio and all forty-four buildings at the middle school and high school levels. Stark County consists of 17 school districts (three urban, four rural, six small town, and four suburban districts) with 30,000 students in grades 7-12, and two hundred and twenty-five science teachers. The SATURN project is a collaborative effort of the Stark County Educational Service Center, the Stark County School District, The Education Enhancement Partnership (a local school/business foundation), the Canton Joint Engineering Council (CJEC), local colleges and universities, and local private foundations. The SATURN project will rely heavily on teacher leaders to direct the project with extensive collaboration and co-teaching with college/university professors and other professionals from business and industry.
staff: Richard Dinko (Principal Investigator)
Jane Hazen Dessecker (Co-Principal Investigator)
Claudia Khourey-Bowers (Co-Principal Investigator)
Nancy Baker Cazan (Lead Staff)
grant award #: 9819644
funding began:
funding ends:
venue type: Suburban,Rural

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