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Project Inquiry: Building a Presence for Science in the Low country

abstract: 9986869 TEMPEL "Project Inquiry" will improve the science literacy of all elementary students' grades 3-8 in Berkeley County School District (BCSD) and Charleston County School District (CCSD) in the low country of South Carolina. This five year, Local Systemic Change (LSC) project will provide all teachers (640 BCSD and 728 CCSD) grades 3-8, with at least 135 hours of professional development. The school district will support professional development for grades K-2 teachers by using Eisenhower, state and local funds. Inquiry-based curriculum materials, (Full Option Science System and Science and Technology for Children), teaching strategies, and assessment will promote content knowledge that is consistent with the SC Science Frameworks and the National Science Education Standards and will move both districts significantly closer to full implementation of standards-based science teaching. Materials Resource Centers already established in both districts will provide a systematic way to distribute hands-on science materials to all classrooms. Faculty from higher education institutions such as the Medical University of South Carolina, the College of Charleston, The Citadel Charleston Southern University and Trident Technical College will play a role in supporting the professional development activities and serving on a Steering Committee. Business partners such as Bayer, DuPont, Santee Cooper and BP/Amoco will also provide expertise in science.
staff: Pamela Coffey (Co-Principal Investigator)
Carol Tempel (Co-Principal Investigator)
Wanda Blackmon (Lead Staff)
Gina Boyd (Lead Staff)
Jeri Calhoun (Lead Staff)
Ellen Mintz (Lead Staff)
Rodney Moore (Lead Staff)
Karen Richardson (Lead Staff)
Soter Thomas (Lead Staff)
Jackie Gourdin (Support Staff)
grant award #: 9986869
funding began:
funding ends:
venue type: Suburban,Rural

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