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Valle Imperial Mathematics K-8 Local Systemic Change Project

abstract: - $5.7 million, K-8 Teacher Enhancement Program. - Provides for up to 130 hours of professional development per participant over 5 years. - Blends into a seamless program of teacher professional development (SB1331, CRMSE Content Modules, Math Renaissance Leadership Development, Governor's Math Initiative). - Focus on deeper content understanding and appropriate pedagogy linked to standards-based materials. - Provides for an assessment strand which focuses on student work as the centerpiece (MSU). - Provides for summer institutes with limited out of class time for professional development during the school year. - Districts can also use any of the three state funded professional days. - Provides for site-based after school follow-up to reduce travel time. - Provides for initial and on-going development of a county-wide group of teacher leaders (40-50). - Provides for principal and other administrator professional development strand designed to deepen their own content understanding and classroom supervision skills. - Provides for districts to receive $100 per day per participant reimbursement. - Redesigns preservice by strengthening math content, methods and student teaching. - Provides opportunities for teachers to earn a masters degree in Mathematics Education. - Provides opportunities for teachers to receive training for supplementary standards-based instructional materials. - Provides for distance learning to be used as a teacher enhancement resource. - Provides a strong research component to monitor student progress and document best practices.
staff: Michael Klentschy (Principal Investigator)
Leslie Garrison (Co-Principal Investigator)
Royce Page (Project Director)
Carol Fisher (Lead Staff)
Gregorio Ponce (Lead Staff)
grant award #: 0096609
funding began:
funding ends:

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