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Mark St. John's Biography

media a Mark St. John
Hands-On Science In Seattle Public Schools, K-5
Mathematics and Science Enhancement II (MASE II)
TEAM 2000
Valle Imperial - Project in Science

Read his Panel:
"The Improvement Infrastructure The Missing Link or Why We Are Always Worried About 'Sustainability'..."

Dr. Mark St. John, founder and president of Inverness Research Associates, has a background in evaluation, policy analysis, and science and mathematics education. For nearly two decades Dr. St. John has studied and evaluated reform initiatives in education – ranging from the evaluations of large-scale initiatives undertaken by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Education, to the study of the impact of National Standards, to the evaluation of individual science museum exhibits. Most recently, Dr. St. John has assisted foundations in planning and refining the design of their reform initiatives, as well as helping them to think about the overall evaluation designs most appropriate to their goals and needs.

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