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Nancy Love's Biography

media a Nancy Love

Read her Panel:
"Abuses and Uses of Data"

A nationally known author and professional developer, Nancy Love is currently a Senior Associate at TERC, where she works with schools, NSF-funded projects, state departments of education, and service providers throughout the Northeast, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands to improve mathematics and science teaching and learning. Over the past four years, she developed and field-tested a set of processes and tools to support teachers and administrators in collecting, analyzing, and using multiple sources of data to guide systemic mathematics and science education reform. Her newest book, Using Data/Getting Results: A Practical Guide to School Improvement in Mathematics and Science, the culmination of this work, is published by Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Inc. (2002).

Love is also the co-author with Susan Mundry of the book Global Perspectives for Local Action: Using TIMSS to Improve U.S. Mathematics and Science Education Professional Development Guide, published by the National Research Council and designed to support professional developers in engaging educators with the NRC’s TIMSS report. In conjunction with this work, Love and Mundry trained a cadre of national facilitators in how to conduct workshops on the NRC’s findings and create inquiry groups to investigate student learning, curriculum, instructional practices, and support systems in local schools.

Before coming to TERC in 1996, Love worked with a team from National Institute for Science Education Professional Development Project, directed by Susan Loucks-Horsley, to co-author the book Designing Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathematics (1998). She has been very active since then in working with professional developers and school leaders nationally to design professional development that is based on research, draws on a repertoire of robust strategies beyond workshops, and is tailored to local needs and goals for student learning. From 1982-96, Love worked at The NETWORK, Inc, where she directed the Massachusetts Facilitator Project of the National Diffusion Network and Cooperative Learning Services and worked closely with schools to implement nationally validated programs. She has also served as adjunct faculty at Salem and Worcester State Colleges and taught in inner-city high schools.

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