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Making the case for creating a continuous school improvement infrastructure?

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Same thing, different angles? - Brian Drayton

Posted by: Michael Klentschy
Posted on: May 01, 2002 at 3:18 PM
I like your idea of the International Space Station. The issue of sustainability goes beyond professional development or teacher dialogue and learning. The International Space Station would have established an evolving systemic pattern of reform. There could be 5 components with many sub-components. 1)high quality curriculum; 2) sustained professional development; 3) materials support; 4)administrative and community support; and 5)assessment and evaluation. I feel that all five are esential to attain sustainability. All five are also interdependent, thus all five need to evolve without neglect. Thus the will to start with a plan of action (design)that addresses these components and the will (intent) is essential.
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