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Yes we call the problem-when multiple innovations collide. Thus you... - Michael Fullan

Posted by: Elaine Woo
Posted on: May 04, 2002 at 1:03 PM
Yes, I believe in the ideal world, there should be equal kinds of support especially for the core subjects. Teachers and schools could focus on one area for a time and then focus on another area or some combination.

What one hopes, though, is that people in a district would not turn down support in one area because the other areas do not have the support. Rather, we should seek to get support for the core subject areas that is more or less equal to the LSCs so that there can be intensive work in all areas. If we want a high rate of achievement, then there should be a high rate of support. In a resource-rich country as ours, we should be able to pool and leverage resources to do this.

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