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Thanks - Eileen O'Connor

Posted by: Joni Falk
Posted on: May 03, 2002 at 3:55 PM
Thanks for the message inquiring if the conference will be available after the conference ends. While the answer to that is yes --we will indeed create an archive-- I want to discourage anyone from thinking... "great, I'll read it later." While the presentations and posters are terrific one of the key virtues of a virtual conference is the interaction that it allows between the participants. A virtual conference enables people on both coasts in different time zones to communicate about issues and to feel a part of a larger community of practice. I have found this community to be a particularly thoughtful and respectful one. People are genuinely interested in other projects' experiences. It is wonderful to see that this is not a community where there is "one upmanship" but rather a feeling that we are in this together, systemic reform is *hard*, and what can we learn from each other. So I encourage you to post to the discussions, to pose a query or to tell a presenter that you got something out of their poster or paper. Not every post needs to be "weighty."
I hope that none of you spend much time cutting and pasting. We tried to make all presentations and posters "printer friendly."
PS. The virtual conference from last year is archived at

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